Liminal Coaching Video Series


Preparing for the New?

When starting something new, it’s easy to forget that often we have to clear the way for it. Whether scraping and sanding out old dead paint before putting fresh paint on or shedding a load of old beliefs and assumptions so we can see things differently, it is essential. That can be challenging and even…


No block lasts forever, no matter in what area of our lives. Blocks usually have a purpose that we only recognize afterwards. Once that purpose is served, they dissolve. But we need to be alert to when that happens, gather ourselves and act decisively. Perhaps it is time to rally friends, helpers, and colleagues to…

Something Coming?

When we can feel that something good is coming (and we often feel it before seeing it), it is good to meet emerging fortune in two ways. Do not be in a hurry for it to immediately bear fruit. Whatever the good thing is will need care and development. Share the benefits widely and nurture…

Rushing to Make Changes?

At the beginning of something, we may have a preconception of what needs to grow and what needs to change.  That preconception may not fit the reality of the potential in the circumstances.  And if we push ahead without studying where we are starting from, we will soon be lost. Studying what may grow in…

Time to Float Up?

When we are already in the abyss, it is probably a good time to stop sinking deeper. Time to let go of some of the weights and start floating up again. We don’t have to find the bottom, as there may not be one. If someone wants to know how deep it is, we can…

In the Dark?

Sometimes we have to act without being able to see what the results will be. Maybe we are trying something novel or breaking new ground, and it isn’t possible to know beforehand what the outcomes will be. That takes a kind of faith or stubborn enthusiasm for the aim we have in mind, and we…