Need to Find Outside Connection?


There are so many memes fired at us in an average day urging us to be detached and stand back from everything so we can nurture inner peace. It’s really not surprising we have a developing isolation problem and a focus on hyper-individualism that is driving us towards a species disaster.

Not to mention the fact that we are hard-wired to be in relationship with another such that meaningful human interaction is as essential as food and water.

So if we find ourselves looking for other people we can be with, collaborate with and build things with, it may be because that is precisely what we need and should be doing. Reaching out to others with this mutually creative intention initiates a process that can gather people around us with common aims and goals.

Then an enormous amount can be achieved. We aren’t intended to be remote and separate.


How to Get Started with Liminal Coaching

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Drift to Peace Guided Relaxation Session

“Drift to Peace” is a guided relaxation recording that speaks to your brain while you doze or dream. Release stress, reduce tension, and ‘clean up your mind’—without doing any extra work.


One on One Coaching

This just-for-you package of 4 to 10 sessions will make the highest impact on your personal and professional life. You’ll learn to set boundaries, remove the negative influence of others, boost self-confidence, get in touch with your intuition, and much, much more.

Interactive Liminal Exploration Course

Presented with The School of the Possible, this transformational six-week course combines live group sessions with video and handouts.

Liminal Coaching for Teams & Business

By working with metaphor and harnessing the power of the full brains of everyone on your team, you can achieve startling breakthroughs and surprising results.

Watch this short video to learn more.

Liminal Coaching Video Series