Teach Your Mind to Be Its Own Ally


War is an awful thing. There are always casualties, collateral damage, and unintended consequences. Why would anyone ever want this? Yet, we are trained from an early age to make our minds go to war with themselves in a never-ending battle between the conscious and subconscious.

The subconscious is the enemy; it has dangerous ideas; it is impulsive; it will only cause us harm. But, the truth is, the subconscious is probably the most potent ally we can have, and all we have to do to make it so is teach our conscious mind to trust it—turning the war into a beautiful dance that breeds happiness and success instead of fear, stress, and internal conflict.

Virtually everyone has had a dream that made them wonder, “What is my dream trying to tell me?” However, the reality is that it isn’t the dream sending us a message but instead the subconscious. Often, it is trying to tell us the solution, or at least a possible pathway to the solution, that our conscious mind has been struggling to find. 

But dreams frequently speak in metaphor, making them hard to interpret accurately. This is why it is vital that the conscious and subconscious minds reconnect with each other, clearing the pathway to understanding the message. It is almost like learning a new language. For example, you might be able to communicate with someone from France through rough signals, but you cannot get the entire message without being able to speak to one another.

There is a natural pathway between these two critical portions of the mind, but “modern sensibilities” have caused it to become overgrown and difficult, if not impossible, to navigate. To reach peaceful well-being and the valuable capabilities the subconscious has to offer, you need to clear away the weeds and trees.

Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to do, especially the older you are. Your mind becomes accustomed to the “right” way to do things and is resistant to change direction. Often, it takes a guide to help you through the challenges, showing you subtle yet simple ways to negotiate the road to peace between the conscious and subconscious. 

Helping you achieve this is one of the fundamental things that Liminal Coaching can do for you. Our personal, guided programs not only show you the path but help you along the way to clearing them yourself. Once you unblock that road, you’re on the path to well-being, clearer thinking, and improved performance. You turn what was once a battleground into a dance floor of endless possibilities.

*At Liminal Coaching, our growth strategy is our partnerships, so we are dedicated to delivering unique and amazing value that enhances your offering and position in the marketplace.

So we are proud to announce that Shift/Co has chosen the Liminal Coaching online program for inclusion in their portfolio of courses.

* Shift/Co™ is THE business growth platform for conscious entrepreneurs who want to make the world better. Shift/Co equips members with the skills, resources, and connections to make a difference and build a thriving business. The platform was created by seasoned conscious entrepreneurs with decades of experience building conscious companies. Members of Shift/Co collaborate to elevate the very nature of business and Shift society through conscious values. Shift/Co’s vision is to “elevate business to shift humanity.


How to Get Started with Liminal Coaching

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Drift to Peace Guided Relaxation Session

“Drift to Peace” is a guided relaxation recording that speaks to your brain while you doze or dream. Release stress, reduce tension, and ‘clean up your mind’—without doing any extra work.


One on One Coaching

This just-for-you package of 4 to 10 sessions will make the highest impact on your personal and professional life. You’ll learn to set boundaries, remove the negative influence of others, boost self-confidence, get in touch with your intuition, and much, much more.

Interactive Liminal Exploration Course

Presented with The School of the Possible, this transformational six-week course combines live group sessions with video and handouts.

Liminal Coaching for Teams & Business

By working with metaphor and harnessing the power of the full brains of everyone on your team, you can achieve startling breakthroughs and surprising results.

Watch this short video to learn more.

Liminal Coaching Video Series